Coca Cola Looks at it's Carbon Footprint
Coca Cola has done a study on it's carbon footprint
Majority of UK Companies Believe Reducing Carbon Emissions Too Costly
For every far-sighted company CEO who can see the long-term benefits in developing a plan for reducing the carbon footprint of their company, it seems that there are more who have placed it in the too hard basket and simply assumed that it will cost them money rather than save it. Company after company have proven that by changing their way of thinking they have been able to reduce their carbon emissions while also reducing their operating expenses.Here's the attitude that proponents of carbon reduction are fighting
South Australian Government Carbon Neutral
We've heard stories of local communities going carbon neutral and even cities heading towards a carbon neutral balance, but today, the South Australian government has announced that it promises to make the South Australian state government carbon neutral in 12 years. South Australian Premier Mike Rann outlined a timetable to offset all greenhouse gas emissions produced by government activities. He has thrown out the challenge for other industries and governments to do the same in the hope that the inspiration will cause a chain reaction of events.
The South Australian Government timetable has made provision to offset 30% of the government's greenhouse gas emissions by 2010, rising to 50% by 2014 and by 2020 be carbon neutral. The government is planning to achieve this goal by purchasing green energy or energy produced from renewable resources.