Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mobile Phone Footprint to be Reduced by Release of 'GreenPhone'

MobiMonster2.0, a company based in New Delhi, has developed a Mobile phone application that can reduce a mobile phone’s global carbon footprint.

A Mobile software by MobiMonster that can reduce the carbon footprint of your Mobile Device.

The application called, GreenPhone can monitor several power hungry features in the phone and can inform the user when these resources are consuming battery but are not required to be switched on.

GreenPhone has also been recognized by Nokia, and has been awarded as the most innovative application in its Eco-Friendly category and has been selected from Asia Pacific as a finalist for the GSM World Congress to be held in February, 2009.

GreenPhone is a first of it’s kind application for Series 60 devices, infact no other Eco-Friendly application exists for Mobile Devices which monitors power and resources on the phone. The application has a basic version available for sale, but is currently being re-vamped for a worldwide presentation. GreenPhone can switch off the backlight of the phone when it is not required, notify the user when the Bluetooth and WLAN is switch on but not being used and also notify the user when the charger is not required to be connected on the phone. All these features can significantly reduce the power consumption of your phone, thus reducing the time you need to charge the phone, which results in significant saving of electricity inturn reducing the carbon foot print of a mobile device.

This innovation is a purely indigenous effort by MobiMonster, which marks a striking change in the strategy of Indian Software companies that are now shifting focus from services to becoming a product companies.

MobiMonster has a range of other products for Mobile Devices which they are pushing in partnership with Nokia, British Telecom (INMO) and network operators such Vodafone (UK), T-Mobile (Germany), O2 and several other players. MobiMonster is also working with Nokia for SMSTimer product which is included in several Nokia phones and is working to provide a range of next generation applications on Nokia India handsets.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Compact Fluorescents - Yet To Make A Difference

One of the most important energy saving innovations of recent times has been compact fluorescents. They have tremendous scope for reducing electricity consumption and there is an increasing number of houses that have at least one compact fluorescent light bulb in their house. Unfortunately, it seems that any reduction in energy use from compact fluorescent light bulbs is being outweighed by an increase in the number of other light bulbs in the house as well as the wattage of the bulbs.

Energy-efficient light bulbs are gaining market share around the world, but if you take the UK market as an example, around 9 million compact fluorescents are sold each year compared to around 180 million ordinary incandescent bulbs. The good news is that compact fluorescent light bulbs last 10 times longer and so, as they are being fitted into bulb sockets, the demand to replace them will take 10 times as long to arise. The creep to CFLs over ordinary bulbs is crawling.

To put things into a little bit of perspective, a typical incandescent light bulb lasts for around 1000 hours which roughly equates to 3 years of use if used for 1 hour every day. No evidence has been found that when an incandescent bulb burns out it is being replaced by a compact fluorescent.

And it’s this point where the public needs to be reminded about the importance of using the compact fluorescents over the traditional incandescent.

It is estimated that only 20 per cent of the light in UK homes comes from compact fluorescents which is pretty low considering they have been promoted for almost 10 years.

If electricity use for lighting is going to drop, and it is yet to show signs of falling as yet, there has to be a greater take up rate of compact fluorescents.