Wednesday, December 24, 2008

England Government Still Has a Long Way To Go

All of those wind energy projects, all the hot air expended by British politicians and all the promises of meeting carbon emissions targets and what do we see today? A mere 9,000 government buildings checked for energy efficiency are responsible for the equivalent greenhouse gas emissions that are being saved through the country's entire wind energy program.

Most embarrassing of all is that one of the offices involved is that of Ed Miliband, the energy and climate change secretary. His department's head office in Whitehall Place is one of the worst offenders.

So the ministerial pledges run along the lines that the government offices carbon emissions will be slashed by 30% over the next 12 years. When buildings and equipment are so pathetically inefficient to begin with the pledge now rings rather hollowly. Is that part of the plan? Bump up the carbon emissions to disgustingly high levels so that we're now a chance to meet our pledge guidelines?

The 11 million tonnes of carbon dioxide pumped out of the public buildings of England and Wales is said to be greater than the entire carbon footprint of Kenya. Staggering stuff.

The entire story can be read at The Guardian.

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