Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Global Credit Crisis Reduces Carbon Footprint

An unexpected offshoot benefit stemming from the global credit crisis has been an almost forced reduction in the carbon footprint of individuals. Cost cutting measures undertaken by homeowners has had the effect of reducing energy usage, product consumption and generally, a search for ways to reduce expenses.

A survey by one British banking corporation has revealed that 72% of respondents have said they are trying to reduce their energy bills by turning off electrical items. Energy efficient light bulbs have been used by an increasing number of people and warmer clothes are being warm instead of turning up the heating.

Money saving is at the forefront of many people's mind and cutting the energy bill turns out to be one of the more immediately and, consequently most gratifying, methods of saving money. The Carbon footprint is shrinking and although it is not primarily due to an overt desire to save the planet, it is still of benefit just the same.

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