Friday, February 15, 2008

Can I Make My Carbon Footprint Disappear?

That's the challenge I want to pose to myself...can I make my carbon footprint disappear. I'm certain I can make my carbon footprint smaller, actually I DID make it smaller last night when I replaced a couple of incandescent lightbulbs with energy efficient lightbulbs. That's a start, but that's all it is, the bare minimum start.

With a long list of possible options that will help me to reduce my carbon footprint, I should begin to see more obvious signs that my carbon footprint is beginning to disappear.

I've already begun to look at options like changing energy suppliers to someone who can supply green energy without significantly raising the costs. I'm also checking out the cost and suitability of putting a solar hot water system in.

We've been planning to install insulation in the roof of our house for some time now and doing this will also make significant energy savings as we find it easier to heat and cool the house.

So, can I make my carbon footprint disappear? I still don't know, but I can definitely shrink it down by a good proportion just by trying.

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